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Statement on the conflict between the return of the wolf and the conservation of endangered native livestock breeds

- The Advisory Council on Animal Genetic Resources has published a short statement on the conflict between the return of the wolf and the conservation of endangered native livestock breeds, in which it advocates measures that allow…

Renaturation: Protecting biodiversity, managing land sustainably

- Even though the EU Restoration Law is currently stuck in the Council of Ministers following parliamentary approval, three expert councils recommend that Germany must urgently tackle the task of restoring nature. The condition of…

Project Idai: Local seed systems critical for food security

- The FAO has presented an impressive report on the BMEL-funded project "Foundations for Rebuilding Seed Systems post Cyclone Idai". The brochure provides a comprehensive insight into the implementation and successes of the project…

Conservation breeding of endangered rabbit breeds

- Four "Japaner" have moved into Nuremberg Zoo - two "Lux rabbits" will follow

BMEL Open Day: Great Interest in Biodiversity

- On August 20 and 21, 2022, the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL) in Berlin invited to their Open Day. The Information and Coordination Centre for Biological Diversity (IBV) was represented with a booth.

20 August is Honey Bee Day

- The honey bee may be small, but it has a very large and significant role in our ecosystems.

Congress on native livestock breeds: Register now!

- Register now for the National Congress on Old and Endangered Native Livestock Breeds in Bonn, Germany, Sept. 26-28!

New regulation for the use of pesticides planned

- The European Commission is proposing a draft regulation for the sustainable use of pesticides

Interdisciplinary VdZ Symposium on the Preservation of Old Livestock Breeds on 22/23 November 2022

- The Association of Zoological Gardens (VdZ) and the Arche Warder Zoo invite you to the Interdisciplinary VdZ Symposium on the Conservation of Old Livestock Breeds at the Nordhorn Zoo.

Register now: Network Meeting Biodiversity Consulting on 12/13 September in Fulda

- The German Network Agency for Rural Areas (DVS) invites you to a nationwide exchange on current topics concerning biodiversity in agricultural landscapes.