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International Congress on Sheep and Goats – Call for Papers

The Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL) will host the “International Congress on Sheep and Goats – Farmers and Scientists create Future” on 15th/16th October in Bonn.

The BLE supports the BMEL in the planning of this event in the area of Animal Genetic Resources through its Information and Coordination Centre for Biological Diversity (IBV) which is active in the conservation of the diversity of indigenous livestock breeds.

The aim of this conference is to deepen cooperation between sheep and goat keepers worldwide and to discuss the most recent scientific findings and insights in this area with scientists and practitioners. We are looking forward to an interesting conference covering a wide array of livestock science topics.

The Call for papers for this conference has been started now. All those who are interested in giving a lecture or displaying a poster at the International Congress on Sheep and Goats are asked to submit a summary of their contributions until 30th April 2020.

Sheep and goats are among the oldest livestock animals due to their diverse uses. With much passion and diligence people have dedicated themselves to the breeding and keeping of various sheep and goat breeds. These livestock keepers provide an important contribution to a sustainable agriculture and to the conservation of biodiversity.

Further information to the congress

Further information to the Call for Papers