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Agriculture and nature conservation go hand in hand to preserve biodiversity

- Opinion paper of the Advisory Board on Animal Genetic Resources on landscape conservation and contract-based nature conservation with endangered native livestock breeds

Combining animal breeding and animal welfare to preserve biodiversity

- Statement of the National Advisory Council on Animal Genetic Resources on the draft amendment of the national Animal Protection Law.

EU regulation on nature restoration adopted by EU Environment Council

- After many controversial discussions on the draft, 20 EU member states have now voted in favor of the regulation.

New funding announcement to promote future-proof and sustainable breeding strategies

- As part of the programme to promote innovation, the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture supports innovations for the development of future-proof and sustainable breeding strategies.

Statement on the conflict between the return of the wolf and the conservation of endangered native livestock breeds

- The Advisory Council on Animal Genetic Resources has published a short statement on the conflict between the return of the wolf and the conservation of endangered native livestock breeds, in which it advocates measures that allow…


Source: Fotolia/Floydine