Implementation of the EU-ABS Regulation in Germany
Germany has not adopted access regulations under the Nagoya Protocol. Thus, access to genetic resources in Germany is not dependent on having "PIC" and "MAT" (see Nagoya Protocol). However, other regulations under public and private law apply which may prohibit or restrict access to genetic resources or make it dependent on authorisation. More detailed information on this can be found on the information pages of the Federal Agency for Nature Conservation (see ABS information at BfN).
The EU-ABS Regulation has been in force since October 2014 and is thus directly applicable in the Member States. The German Implementation Law adopted by the Federal Council in November 2015 came into force on 1 July 2016. Among other things, it identifies the competent authorities and specifies the obligations of users as well as sanctions in the event of infringements.
The competent national authority for the implementation of the Nagoya Protocol and the EU-ABS Regulation in Germany is the Federal Agency for Nature Conservation (BfN).
Further information on the Nagoya Protocol, its implementation at European and national level and the resulting obligations for users is available at BfN's website.
In accordance with the German Implementation Act, the competent national authority shall make any determinations concerning the organisation of enforcement in Germany and related decisions with regard to genetic resources for food and agriculture in agreement with the Federal Office for Agriculture and Food (BLE). The responsible department for such agreements is the BLE Information and Coordination Centre for Biological Diversity (IBV).