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Go in search of old and rare vegetables - become a variety saver!

Do you have old varieties in your garden or do you know someone who does?

The association Genbänkle e. V. has started the "Variety Detectives" campaign. During the campaign period from 28 June to 31 August, interested individuals and groups can participate in the search for lost vegetable treasures.


Wanted: become a variety saver!

The Genbänkle e. V. has set itself the goal of networking and making visible initiatives and organisations on the subject of "old and rare vegetable varieties" in Baden-Württemberg. The association calls for a joint search for varieties.  Interested parties - also from other parts of Germany - are encouraged to fill out a search profile if they know an old vegetable variety or its history. The completed profiles are collected and evaluated by Genbänkle e.V. The long-term goal is to bring as many of the varieties back into the gardens and onto the plates as possible.
Previous feedback and finds of varieties show that in some gardens historical, regional varieties can still be found. In some gardens there are often unrecognised garden treasures lying dormant. Only recently, for example, the varieties "Hagnauer Rote Bohne", "Söflinger Zwiebel" or "Nürtinger Hockerbohne", which are considered to be extinct, have been found and propagated.

The diversity of crops used in agriculture, horticulture, fruit growing and viticulture has decreased considerably in the last century, not only in Germany but also worldwide. The Red List of endangered indigenous crops also draws attention to this.
It is estimated that 75% of the genetic diversity of cultivated plants worldwide has now been lost.
Some varieties - especially in field crops - are found in genebanks.
Up to now, the conservation of "garden varieties" has mainly been done on a voluntary basis.

More information about the action and the project can be found in the press release of the association Genbänkle e.V. (in German only) and on their website (in German only)