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International Conference on Marine Protection in Antarctica

At a high-level international conference on marine protection in the Antarctic the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture reaffirmed the government's position to establish a large marine reserve in the southern polar Weddell Sea.

Source: BLE

In 2016, Germany, under the leadership of the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture, submitted a specific proposal to the International Commission for the Conservation of Living Marine Resources in the Antarctic (CCAMLR). The proposal covers an area of around 2.2 million square kilometers - this would create one of the world's largest protected areas.

A total of 15 countries followed the invitation of the EU Commissioner for the Environment, Oceans and Fisheries, including other EU member states, South American countries, Norway, Australia, New Zealand and the USA. The participants agreed on a political declaration with which they commit themselves to the increased designation of marine protected areas in the Southern Ocean. This goal should be achieved this year if possible.

With the exception of China and Russia, all other CCAMLR member states support the creation of a protected area. However, CCAMLR decisions can only be made unanimously.

Further information can be found under the following links: