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National Dialogue on Food Systems

Save the date! Digital event on April 7, 2022 on the dialogue platform

© Bundesanstalt für Landwirtschaft und Ernährung

The role of cooperative food systems, their impact on the urban-rural relationship, their role in agriculture and even more exciting topics will be discussed in the event "Sustainable Nutrition for all: Cooperative Food Systems as Drivers of Sustainability" together with experts. The best thing is: You can be closely involved - join the discussion and follow the dialogue live. All you have to do is register on the platform to participate in this and many other events.

Curious? Click here for the event program.

For more information, please see the press release dated 03/25/2022 at;jsessionid=701274FA9EF447B3DE6661304EBBC791.1_cid335.

The German National Dialogue on Food Systems is integrated into the global dialogue on the UN Food System Summit (UN FFS). This calls for joint action to achieve the 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations. The aim of the National Dialogues is to make food systems more sustainable and to secure the supply of and access to food for people.