Animal breeding is an essential component of sustainable land use systems with agricultural animal husbandry. Breeding progress includes increasing the health status and animal performance as well as improving product quality and environmental and resource compatibility. At the same time, however, the preservation of genetic diversity in the populations should also be taken into account.
The methods used are continuously being further developed through new methods of reproductive biotechnology and molecular genetics. In addition, digitalisation in particular is leading to optimised possibilities for data analysis and trait recording. In order to further develop the breeding of agricultural animals and maintain the competitiveness of German animal breeding, there is a great need for interdisciplinary research projects. The transfer of findings into practice, education and counselling is crucial for the further development of animal breeding.
With the announcement on the funding of innovations for the development of future-proof and sustainable breeding strategies for future-proof and sustainable animal husbandry, the BMEL is pursuing the goal of supporting the further development of animal breeding.
Here you can find the announcement from the Federal Gazette dated 14 May 2024 (in German only).
Further information on the conservation of genetic diversity in the livestock sector can be found here.