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Status quo of the implementation of the EU Animal Breeding Legislation for endangered livestock breeds

The EU Reference Centre for Endangered Animal Breeds has published a report on the implementation of the EU Animal Breeding Legislation with regard to endangered breeds.

Source: EURC-EAB

A special focus of the survey was on the implementation of derogations in breeding programmes for endangered breeds as well as on national definitions and mechanisms and occurring challenges concerning the implementation of the Regulation.

The report will be presented to the Standing Committee of Zootechnics in November and can be downloaded here.


The European Union Reference Centre for Endangered Animal Breeds (EURC-EAB) is responsible for the scientific and technical contribution to the establishment and harmonisation of methods for the preservation of endangered breeds, and the preservation of the genetic diversity existing within those breeds, in accordance with Article 29(2) of Regulation (EU) 2016/1012 (EU animal breeding legislation).

The consortium led by Wageningen Livestock Research (WLR, the Netherlands), which comprises Institut de l’Elevage (IDELE, France) and the Federal Office for Agriculture and Food (BLE, Germany) was designated as EURC-EAB (EU 2022/2077) and has started officially operating on January 1st 2023.

Further information